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Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.


Me and I made this long journey around the world and reached a place where there was no where left to go., but only into my books and to the unique self. If you don't like to read, you haven't found the right book. I'm lucky I found mine...

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
Trading in the Zone
Market Wizards
Zero to One
Steve Jobs
Trillion dollar coach
Super Trader How to make profits in Commodities Investor Quotient
How I made two million in the stock market Trade Like Jesse Livermore How to trade in stocks
The Psychology of Money
Same as Ever
The Almanac of Naval Ravikant
Elon Musk Hit Refresh
Steve Job's way
Measure what matters Simon Says Your Next Five Moves
New Market Wizards Stock Market Wizards Hedge Fund Wizards
Turtle traders Day Trading for a Living Trading like a Stock Market Wizard
Speculation as fine art
Atomic Habits
Think like a Monk
How to Make Friends and Influence People Compound Effect
New Trader Rich Trader Technical Analysis of Financial Markets Japanese Candlesticks
Crash Proof How an economy gros and why it crashes Futures Markets
Everything is fcked
The Subtle art of not giving a fck
How to talk to anyone
Wings of Fire Do Epic Shit Epic Shit Done
Das Kapital Long walk to Freedom Mein Kamph
Intelligent Investor Rich Dad and Poor Dad Economics in One lesson
Autobiography Adults in the room Four Hours work week
Lowland Namesake Mayor of Casterbridge
Why I am atheist
Book of Wisdom
Instant analysis Make anyone like you
The Disciplined Trader
Mastering Trading Psychology
How to Feed Confident
The Book of Man
What are you doing with your life
The Life and Death of Krishnamurthy
The Power of Subconscious Mind
The Coming wave.