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If you let your learning lead to knowledge, you become a fool. If you let your learning lead to action, you become wealthy - Jim Rohn

Monday, July 15, 2024

Covid-19 victims

Recently I attended a wedding. The bride and groom were up in the stage with lot of fun decorations, photo sessions & cake cutting. Happy faces everywhere & the closer family members enjoying the company of each other and taking turns to get pictures with the couple on the stage. Something that you cannot miss on the stage was one more thing - there was a photo of the groom's father with his passed-away date on it, this as part of paying respect to who is not alive for the important occasion of his son's marriage. I was able to recognize instantly from the "departed date" on the photo, that it was peak covid at that time. Turns out he passed away after getting infected by the Covid-19 virus at the peak of the pandemic.

For me and majority of the people in the world - Covid-19 pandemic days' was just a different experience, we spent over a year staying at home & then when it was safe, we came out of it., just as we got into it. It was just happy times. We were with my parents all year and we had long conversations about everything, 24x7 at home, and had nice time being together at all times without any distractions whatsoever. No one leaves the house. No other person can enter the house. We didn't get sick, no one in the family had infections or to suffer through hospitalization, or did we lose anything, financially. "Cautious" people who had enough, sat inside home and allowed the wave to pass.

 But there are people who were not that lucky. The people who had to work to make ends meet - didn't have that option. They had to go out to face the world, and vulnerable fell by giving up their life. No one knew initially what it was and how to react. Only when people died the panic got acknowledgement, and it hit home - it just was too late.

Their life path was altered to the worst. They lost fathers, mothers, both parents, sons, daughters & loved ones because of Covid-19 infections. I know a person who lost his father who was the only bread winner in the family. The family isn't the same any more. I know a LOT changed after that. I know another family friend who lost 2 people in the same house to Covid. Kids lost their grandfather in the night and their mother in the morning. I have a friend who lost his father first and he himself was severely infected and in fact he is yet to fully recover from covid related complications like Mucormycosis or black fungus in Covid-19 patients. He had more than five post-care surgeries in the eye and in his face and has lost his smooth face appearance permanently giving him a sick face. I know someone who lost both his parents during that time to the infection.

Little things matter. For most of us, Covid-19 was a little thing that came and left. For some - it was not little, it left a real scar in their way of life. Let's put us in their shoes and see how they would look back and see the pandemic times in their perspective.

What a cruel world? You see around and notice most of people you know had no impact from the covid wave but your family took a direct hit and you are a affected victim. The Covid-19 virus took away the beloved ones by force without a proper warning. It was so sudden - they didn't know Why the virus choose to kill their loved ones but spared all the others? Things were going good before the Covid wave and as everybody, they had future plans. Then the pandemic stuck. Took away loved ones at home. After a short & a severe brutality period - things are back to how it used to be. For the affected, the damage has already been done with enormous pain & suffering with an uncertain future with who are left out. The questions remains - why us? I don't think anyone can answer that. The real victims are not the persons who died because of the virus during the pandemic, But it is those who had to pick the slack because of that.

On a good side - I went for lunch to a friend's place for Eid last month. After a good meal I remembered his sister was very serious with Covid complication during its peak and they spent a lot of money and effort to rescue her. I asked how is her sister now - He gladly told - she made the food today. It was a nice moment to know all is good now. Some people made it to the other side after a life-scaring experience.

I personally do not know what would I do going through want they went through. I would be gutted if something like that would have happened to me because of what it was a - temporarily dangerous phenomena. For them - I wish I could do something more, but just have only my stupid "sympathies". At least we can all agree the "useless" masks didn't help. And the victims are not dead, but here, struggling with the loss of their loved ones!

Thursday, December 7, 2023

The war that never ends

The war between Israel and Palestine is back started this time, by Hamas when it raided civilians on Oct 7th causing more than a thousand deaths. Unfortunately the crisis has only got worse pushing out peace in the region by few more decades. Unlike other conflicts of the world - which I believe are solvable over time - this one unfortunately cannot. Conflicts between India-Pakistan, Russia-Ukraine - they have historical precedence of being together as one nation. Pre-dominantly - it’s a clash between rulers / governments on either side - there is no big people to people conflict. But only in the Israel-Palestine conflict - historically this has been a people to people conflict. This confirms - the problem has no end in sight. The war would end one day - lot of people would be dead on either side - more on the Palestine part - because of their vulnerable status, only to start all over again a different time with a different reason. Subsequent leadership on either side - lacked the will or the desire to resolve the conflict. It has only got bigger and bigger.

We all will live to see a lot more quick wars between them - the hatred has only increased.

Israel is supported by Western countries and is genuinely part of the richer nations club. It has access to weapons, technology-progress and might against a smaller refuge state of Palestine.

Palestine on the other side, is a weak block. Even though they gain sympathy from a majority of the world population (who are aware of the conflict) - Their lack of progress (economic, social & political) can only be attributed to their own people and its past leaders. In my opinion - its applicable to the entire Muslim-dominated middle eastern countries. It can arguably told - The middle east hasn't generated a single political mass leader in years. Because of radical religious thoughts - the country has not been exposed to alternative thinking - and the weakness has only extended over the years. What the middle east really lacks - a unifier like a Gandhi. In my opinion, that person has to be non-religious (leader of all sections), carries the integrity, honest and vision of a future middle east. This part of the world has always missed that. This is probably because the leaders liked power more than the genuine belief to make things better beyond their own interests. I am not saying - what the Muslim world should do - all I'm saying is - they need to operate as a united block under a commanding leadership of someone (home grown) - who has a vision and has the belief of majority of the people in the region. What we often end up - leaders who are token citizens of a country but really whose family resides somewhere in an affluent western country with business interests everywhere around the world except in their own native countries. These so called leaders - exist in plenty on the west of the Indian subcontinent until the Atlantic Ocean. The lack of unity among the middle eastern nations can be attributed to just the lack of this leadership trait - unauthenticity. Because of that - they are corrupt. The leader has to be from within - someone who is born, grows up and lives through the daily routine of most of his people - a really close to the people leader.

India is a diverse land with huge diversity is religion, caste, creed, language - but still she managed to create visionary leaders like Gandhi, Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Abdul Kalam, etc. They represent Indianism in the minds of the Indian people. It is very hard to remember a visionary from say Pakistan - which was part of India for bulk of its existence. That is because the country is based on a religion. Once you go that route - it is very hard to lead otherwise. Religion is good and it controls the chaos - I'm not saying there should not be religions. There can be. It cannot be a way of political life. Because religions has beliefs and not all people in a region conform to the similar beliefs - it fundamentally divides people even though it unites a concentrated section of the people. By definition - if you accept a religion's beliefs, you are against the beliefs of other people - that puts you in conflict right away. So right to practice any religion should be the norm - but it cannot be politically enforced. I'm not advocating for a liberal society. I am just saying - political leaders with the will of the people and with aspirations of the son of the soils without a religious bias can provide better political establishment to a nation.

The history of Israel-Palestine conflict - Every time the Palestinians get killed (most of them Civilians), the Arab world would send signals indicating their support and then it goes nowhere. Israel is too bigger power for the Arab nations and exerts its authority which is natural. Historically - the Arab nations have not even be able to reduce the intensity of the damage caused by Israeli military on the Palestine civilians. It breaks my heart to see those horrible visuals on X. Most of them are not combatants.  

With Elon Musk opening up X- more uncensored information is coming out of the conflict and it has created more awareness on the issue for people around the world. This time - it has increased the sympathy for the Palestinian people and decreased the empathy for the Jewish state.

What should be the resolution for this major conflict that can cause a world war? I do not know. But I do know - the resolution has to be from people who live there on either side. They need to determine how it should be resolved amicably with mutual give and takes. There is no alternative. The UN or other powerful nations - may have opinions on how it can be solved - but are useless. Those planted resolutions don't work. A true resolution should come from within. 

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Banks of America (again)

After the 2008 financial crisis I personally got interested in the markets and started seeing them closely. The first thing that caught my huge interest then was the banks i see around me, failing. My first article in this blog was about "Banks of America". We have come a full circle - as the banks of America are failing again now. For anyone who has followed this thing for years closely - its very clear. The problem then and the problem now are exactly the same. It was just a temporary pause for few years. In 2008 the banks had assets that had its value gone down significantly. It was housing bonds then, now its the low-yielding bonds from the ZIRP decade. The problem is pretty much the same.

I was talking to someone who owns a home in California few months back. I asked him what is the interest he pays on his home. Every one refinanced at a lower rate, and he did too. He told me, he was able to refinance his old mortgage for 3.05% and was very upset, he couldn't utilize the still lower rate it got to at 2.75%. It immediately occurred to me, if there is a transaction that benefited one side a lot, there must be the other end that heavily lost. That exactly what happened. The person on the other side were the banks. The mortgage  was probably 30-years maturity paper and the bank is stuck with it.

The duration risk on the bonds are cited as the main reason for Silicon Valley Bank to fail. When interest rate rises, the low-yielding bonds will lose value. This caused a huge hole in the bank's balance sheet. I believe, even though it could be one reason, there is something more to it. Regional banks are heavily exposed to the commercial real estate market, which we know is not doing well, because employees are not coming back to the office. Also it is not a surprise that the over leveraged technology companies - that ran only because of cheap money had a big role to play. It's not a coincidence that most of the failed banks are from the state of California. I work in technology and i see first hand, how leveraged the industry operates in. Most of the time, almost in all IT companies - work happens not to make the customer happy but instead to get a new investor. Significant time is spent on, doing prototypes, demos to attract new money as investment. This used to be very common in research institutions. Most of the time of research graduates, are spent on applying for grants than on doing actual research. With the Fed hiking rates up to 5% now - all the cheap money is gone. What is left is the mal-investment and accumulated debt from the boom days.

Initially when the 2008 housing crisis started., we were told the issue was isolated to subprime. Eventually, we would find out - it was not subprime but the entire mortgage market. The falling assets problem is same now - Not only the banks have the problem, all insurance companies, pension funds, hedge funds, other financial institutions would have the same problem. If banks are losing asset value because of holding low-yielding long term paper - lot of people hold them. Opening a Fed window for the smaller banks alone to exchange their worth-less bond and getting the full dollar - is a moral hazard. The problem is just showing up in the weaker sections of the economy now. History suggests - there is a contagion effect to it. We will soon find the same problem repeating in other forms at different places. 

Fed raising rates, exposed the underlying problem. There is a bank run on the regional banks. People use their mobile phones and transferring money out for 2 reasons. They are afraid they will lose their deposits and more importantly want to move to other money market funds that may yield 5%. The Bank wasn't paying much interest anyways. With fractional reserve banking - No bank can survive this outflow, as we know it. 

Opening a window at the fed to accept the depreciated asset and giving them on-par price - is a fraud. More over the bad assets are being dumped at the fed, because no one would buy it. Exactly the same thing that happened in the 2008 housing crisis. The mortgage backed securities were dumped at the fed and they remain in the Fed's balance sheet even now. The Bernanke promise of selling them back to the market when things improve never happened. It was a lie. These low-yield assets that are being dumped at the Fed by these failing regional banks - will also stay on the Fed's balance sheet until their maturity. The money the fed pays for it, would reach the economy making the inflation problem far worse.

This can be solved only by the US government (with the Fed) guaranteeing 100% of the bank deposits. Or else the Fed has to lower the interest rates drastically - to add value to the low-yield paper from the last decade. The Fed cannot do the later with CPI hovering around 6%. We will find out in the next couple of weeks on how this unfolds. If they do any one of the above - it would be admission of a financial crisis in-action. Symptoms would be suppressed for a while - but it will show up in a different form say double-digit hyper inflation soon. 

The Fed's balance sheet is already expanding. They were doing a $85 billion in QT every month. They just added $95 billion this week and $400 billion in the last month (the returns from the special window for the smaller & regional banks). So the pivot the market was looking for - has already happened from QT to QE.Jay Powell saying that - its not a QE program because he is not controlling long term yields is a loser's argument. Yesterday in the post-FOMC press conference, he said what happened in SVB and Signature banks were "outliers" and doesn't affect the broad banking sector. After famously using the terms auto-pilot, transitory - outlier might be the next one in that list.

Europe would have the exact same problem. They had negative interest rates for a long time in the last decade. With multiple countries in the Eurozone with different cultures and countries - it is going to be really hard for the ECB to maintain decorum. We already have seen Credit Suisse fail., and there are reports late this week on Deutsche bank having  their credit default swaps prices rising abnormally. 

The Central banks are coming to the rescue again. In fact they have too. After all - they are the ones who kept the interest rate too low for too long. They want to pretend the Central banks are the lender of last resort. Actually they are the lender of only resort. There cannot be a financial system, where no one loses.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Remote work insanity

 I am sitting in my office and looking around, I see most of my colleagues instead of being heads-down with work, are spending bulk of their day talking with their colleagues on Microsoft teams, our official communication app. They are interacting with people, who are "working from home". On the other side are people who are "working" but cannot make the physical presence in the office to do that. The conversations take hours, what should ideally be few minutes in-person. It is probably, an over-the-shoulder comment, followed by quick couple of questions & answers. The whole office looks like a BPO call-center. Coding is waiting for the calls, and calls are waiting for the coding to happen. Instead of people running ahead with full speed, they are grinding their way out slowly with high-level of operation lethargy. It makes me painful, this way of software development has become the new normal.

Someone told me a long time ago a big truth, that there is absolutely nothing called over-communication in software development. People need to be engaged constantly through the entire implementation phase. Ideas, code details, expectations, requirements, validations, user experience are constantly reinforced amongst the team members, so that the entire team is guided as they make progress. It's like giving a haircut, the team has to be at least in the vicinity. I have seen Projects succeed because that one-person successfully articulated the requirements and got the best out of the team by being with it all the time. This is what works. Now with some people working from office and some working from home, this communication coexistence is clearly broken leading to dilution in the software development models causing unwanted delays and additional stress on team members.

Working from home option existed prior to the pandemic as well. Occasionally you hear people, who says they are working from home, particular days of the week or few on all days. It used to be the resources who work from home on most of the days, are way smarter than the rest and provide an unique expertise to the team. They usually grow into that position. Their credibility is unquestionable within the team. They are always available. Bottom line - they sit at home and work lot harder & smarter, literally more than what they would have achieved if they came in to office every day. More importantly - they are available to come into office on short trips. They would fly in or commute to stay in an hotel for a day or two, they have really jam packed productive meetings, bunch of action items to all, have a game plan to execute in weeks and they go back home "to work" with lot of work in their plate. The visits cost the firm lot of money, but it would be worth it. While working my way as developer, I have seen how these people work. They are very industry experienced, usually super smart and are a pleasure to work. They gain respect of the team, even though they are not with the team. One quality they possess - they don't take leaves. They are available online 24x7. You need to be somebody disciplined and dedicated to be offering your service without leaving your home.

Then came the pandemic.

Once the lockdowns were mandated, everyone were forced to stay indoors. While employees of business who cannot execute their labor remotely, lost their jobs., people in the IT industry were lucky enough to hold on to their job, because they can contribute their labor with no difference sitting at home, what would they have did if they were in office. That was the expectations from the management. That is where it started. The assumption was every employee would sincerely execute his service. May be it was OK to work remotely for a month or two because of compulsions. But definitely it didn’t serve the original purpose and days went by. Employees resisted coming to work - citing genuine covid scare initially. It later turns out to be to avoid relocating to work place, avoid daily commute and more importantly in this part of the world - to save on the expenses. These additional savings in India created a demand for new cars, luxury vacations - those they wouldn't commit to, if they had to expense on the office visit daily. They save on the lunch cost, commute cost overall. Some of them have moved permanently to their native, so that they can save on the rent in the bigger cities. Even though these are good things for the individuals, it not a good deal for the employer (and eventually clients) as more number of people choose to be in their comfort zone rather than try to bring energy to work every single day. Employees with no or little experience were also sitting at home trying to work remotely. First-of-all they don't even have basic skills to work by themselves. The learning curve just got a lot longer. In IT, the start of your career is very important. You need to be in a dynamic, lively, hard-working, interesting work place. That is where you learn a lot. Having a bad start prolongs your learning curve by months. I see lot of them going through that. If you are working in your first job and have never been to an office - it shows up in the quality of the work.

Workplace became workhours. Workhours became beacon of boredom. No new ideas, just grinding the existing stuffs. The only reason the employer could afford this change of behavior, was the client was willing to pay. Finally when the clients run out of money themselves or patience in the team not doing anything creative anymore, they opt to reduce the number of people on the team or shelve new thoughts as there is nothing that is value promising.

I remember, in one of my product development jobs, I would walk-in to office and spend long hours working late with few dedicated team members. My manager would always ask if he needs to order lunch, dinner for us. We always ordered food to be delivered and ate a different cuisine every time, like Chinese, Italian, Thai. Only after a long time, did I realize is the food was being ordered because my manager wants us all to keep rushing the work and doesn't want us go out for lunch which takes an hour at least. Instead, when food is delivered in office, we just walk in to the cafeteria and have a lunch/dinner in 15 mins and back to the desk for work. That were those days, where we were truly productive as a team. We stayed together every day at work. When there is an urgent deliverable and lot of things to accomplish within a limited time-constrain, it makes sense to avoid the commute time and keep your heads down working long hours sitting at home. But when there is not enough to do for 8 hours for employees, laziness creeps in. They tend to avoid difficult & challenging tasks and get used to giving the regular tasks, which they assume can only be done by them. They go into a fully "manage your job" mode. Their tone in chat/voice calls changes because they need to pretend more than what they are actually doing. They need to show-off little bit to justify their contribution. In the process, they shame themselves more. It causes friction within the team members and a lot of moral hazards.

Once they realize they can "manage their pay-check" in their job, people start moonlighting. What used to done in weekends earlier, start to creep in into the weekdays, causing distractions at work. The more and more, they get distracted, the more and more they "manage their jobs". Once their attention on weekdays shifts completely to moonlighting tasks and not their full time jobs anymore, they are fully unmotivated. They navigate to a state, now often referred to as quite quitting. When in this state, they don't treat the job as an obligation. They already gave up on it. They don't want to do more than what they are actually doing now. They are OK, if the employer wants to cut them off. They already have other plans.   

Let's be frank. Except a very few, most IT workers in India, do not have enough infrastructure at home like what they have at office. That is why we have these huge glassy buildings with air-conditioning that cost lot of money to rent. It's a luxury for most people. They aspire to have jobs in these fine buildings. Most of working population outside the IT fields, have far less convenient work place. A lot of them don't even have an air-conditioned office space. In spite of all these, employees don't want to work from office. Lot of them don't have proper office desks and chairs similar to what they would find in a software office that will put them in a comfortable posture to sit and work long hours. On top of that, half of them don't even have enough skills to operate individually and contribute. What has software become now with most people still working remotely - they just manage. It's nature of work is just "housekeeping" tasks. They do stuff that they always did for years. They don't have to work for 8 hours a day to accomplish what is expected by their manager. They have worked on the project for really long time, they know enough to make a difference daily. This I call - Keeping the lights on, kind of work. Available for work remotely means different things for different people. Able to fix few critical things over a week is one, being available to answer project related questions is another, taking a 15 minute phone call with client late in the night is one-kind, rudely managing few juniors on the phone calls and getting things done is one kind, delegating all work to someone else in the team relaxing yourself, is also another kind, In all these activities, a lot of hot potatoes happen. Things are thrown to others, and holding on to bare minimum tasks for self. One real problem with this "managing" by most employees - you run of money, sympathy & patience from the person who is funding this activity.

There is a bad behavior by few people and then there is a mob behavior modeling around the few, by the rest of them. Eventually everyone gets to "know the game" and start playing around their personal agenda.

Somewhere during the last decade, for some weird reason, employees became more authoritative than employers. Employees by definition are not smart. If they were, they would run their own places instead of contributing their service to an employer for a pre-agreed fee. As always when less-smart people are in-charge, productivity falls.

You wake up every day and show up in office is an attitude setter work-ethic. People prosper because of it. Refusing to show up in office by some of the employees is a raw disrespect to the employees who show up in office daily. To me, if all of them are not in office, then all of them need to be working from home. At least there is no office rent expense or maintenance. That is a better option as the fall-out will happen sooner.  

The problems gets worse as you go west. In the US, the post-pandemic work culture ethics has hit new lows. We see them in productivity numbers. In year 2022, US has lost full-time jobs and created a lot of part-time jobs. By definition part-time jobs are "manage" jobs. You don't have to be fully involved or dedicated but keep a guard on something until the next part-time guy shows up. It's more about the time-factor rather than the work-factor actually. Usually the jobs are repetitive, mundane, uninteresting and will not be done by someone who are more ambitious. For the lack of better word - they are dull jobs done by dull people. I always thought, a family of 4 needs just one person working a full-time job and that should be enough. More than one job in a family - is a sign of weakness and not strength.

There is only one place to blame for this entire mal-function in the work force. It is the Western Central Banks, in the US Fed, ECB and BoE. At the time of pandemic, when the supply was less because of lockdowns, instead of reducing the demand proportionately, they stimulated demand by bring down the interest rate back to zero and the government providing welfare stimulus checks to people who are unemployed and provided PPP loans to businesses to make people employed during the pandemic season. In the US, the entire country was in welfare. It was to ensure people do not come out for the sake of money during a global pandemic. With most Americans devoid of savings, and living life, pay-check to pay-check, this was a humane thing to do. But what really precipitated was - the welfare programs ran for months. Nothing is permanent than a temporary government program. Evacuation moratorium was done which guaranteed people can stay in their houses without paying the rents. With the free money coming in - people earned more than what they earned while working in the jobs, didn't have to pay the rent, don't have the expense like gas to go to work, they spent all their money online on amazon while watching Netflix in their couches. It's all OK, except that no country can afford that. The pandemic exposed the hollowness in how the western economies operate. Lack of productivity was inherent over the last decade, the pandemic put a confirmation to it. Even before the pandemic there were more women workers than men in the labor force, underscoring the less-productive aspect of most jobs.

Human labor is scarce., like everything else in this finite world. Tying up a few people to do unproductive nature of work for a long time, irrespective of their monetary channels is a fraud on nature. If resources are not productively used., why does it matter if they are paid or not. Doing things in 2 months what ideally takes 2 weeks because of operational lethargy, is a disservice in my opinion, though it might be defined as unproductive labor in the law of economics.

The experience of going through this and not able to change anything about it in a meaningful way, is a new low to me personally. I get over this by thinking, after all - It's just a job! Only the market has to fix it. It definitely will. Unfortunately lot of damage would have already happened.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Looming large layoffs

The US inflation data (CPI - consumer price index) for the month of May came out last Friday and the print was 8.6%. Putting to rest the optimism that dominated the financial media since the last receding CPI number - that we have already seen the peak of inflation. The 8.6% was a new high for this cycle. The core inflation also came higher than expected. This would be highest it has been in 40 years. What would make it worse is - if we measured the CPI the way it was measured 40 years ago, the number now, would be well more than 15% already. That number would have taken out the historical high of 13% of the late 1970s. 

Gas prices hitting $5/gallon across all US cities this weekend confirmed the pain at the pump. 

The university of Michigan consumer confidence sentiment number came out and it came in around 50 - the worst in its 70-year history. Consumers think this month is the worse month than anytime in the past including the 1970s peak oil crisis, 1980s inflation, 1987 black Monday event, 2000s dotcom crash, the 2008 great financial crisis and the covid pandemic from last year. 

The S&P 500, the thermometer of the US economy, had its worst start to the year in a 100 years. The bond market arguably had its worst start to the year in 200 years. Inflation possibly at an all time high - things look lot bleaker. Only thing that is going good is the fact that Americans are able to cling to their jobs with unemployment at a low at 3.6%. The jobs market will reflect the economic reality in the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2022. The huge lay-offs are coming. Unemployment is a lagging economic indicator  always and the carnage is just ahead of us.

President Biden, this week had the courage to say - the American people are capable enough to meet the rising prices head-on because the labor market is good. A true admission would be to acknowledge the past mistakes of fiscal & deficit budget policy since the global financial crisis of which he was very much part as Vice-President in the Obama administration. With the job market beginning to show cracks (the initial jobless claims from last week coming in 20% more than expected. We might have seen the bottom there already). 

Inflation - is the most misunderstood concept globally. Milton Friedman said - Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. Expanding money supply causes inflation. Inflation is the expansion of the money supply and price increases, are consequences of it. In other words - if more money is printed and are in circulation, the prices of available products will go high. Printing the money is the easy part, producing the consumer products is the difficult part. 

Price increases affects everyone in the society. When i say price increase - i mean price increase of "everything". In the modern way of financial capitalism, we have been made to think, prices of food/fuel/utilities going up are bad and prices of stocks/homes/wages going up are good. why should that be? When you purchase a home and the price of the home goes high - people feel happy. When you purchase stocks and the price of the stock goes many folds - people feel happy. When the stock market indexes go higher and higher - people and business feel happy about it. What they don't say you - this too is inflation and it is bad for the economy. Only when the price of food, fuel and all consumer prices goes high - it is considered bad which is pretty unfair. 

In reality stocks of good performing companies can go high as they add value. but all stocks going high is a problem. Wages or Salary is just the price of labor. When my salary goes high at work because I'm more productive compared to others - then its a good thing. If everyone's salary goes high in equal percentage amount - what difference does it make? when workers productivity goes up (enhanced skills, mechanization and automation) - cost of production becomes cheaper. In an society with productive labor - prices of commodities fall. 

With the price of stocks/bonds/homes increasing multi folds in the last decade, the inflation was ALWAYS there. It just started to show up in the CPI components. I really think - CPI data must include speculative and risky assets like stocks/bonds/wages as it components. It must also include home prices, not rents (which get manipulated by owners' equivalent rent - which no one pays!). That would be a more accurate of consumer prices. The case-shriller index that measures the price of homes came in last week - home increased in value by a whopping 21% across the top major cities. What would be the CPI print, if they add this? no wonder they don't add this number to the CPI. 

Below is the yield on the US bonds as of this weekend.

Why would anyone buy the US 2 year for a 3.06% coupon, when the official yearly inflation is 8.6%? If you buy the bond today - you are guaranteed to lose money (~5.5%) when you get your principal back in 2 years in lesser valued dollars. Why would anyone (looking to profit) will buy the US 30 year for a 3.2% coupon is beyond human intelligence. The average inflation for 30 years must be around 2% is what the buyer is thinking., so that he can benefit 1% from it. Say if the inflation stays 4% for few years, to average it out - it needs to be sub 0% for few years to maintain the 2% average. The probability of this happening is almost 0. In a real free market, these conditions will not exist. Also on the numbers, you can see the 3Y inverting with the 30Y (called the inversion of yield curve) signalling something is broken already or something is about to break.The fall in the stock market has a long way to go and the odds of a flash crash is very much possible.  

There is definitely a huge difference between people parking their hard-earned savings in US bonds and the Central banks buying in the open market what was originally theirs anyway. 

With inflation getting hotter and hotter, the US Central bank has to raise rate. They will do a 0.5% this week. What good does a  1.25% rate do to a 8.6% inflation? Nothing! They can't go to 2.5% is what i think (Jim Bianco agrees with me! - see image)

What I think, they will end up doing is - they will raise the interest rate high enough to cause the recession  (most likely depression), but not high enough to solve the inflation. A higher interest rate than the inflation rate would be the right thing to do - it would just blow up the entire global financial markets within hours. (if doing the right thing causes more pain - then you know its all messed up disproportionately) 

The recession will cause the job losses. A lot of them! The looming layoffs on the horizon is not a hurricane but the hurricane. Imagine having a beach ball in hand and holding it above your head. it is hard to convince someone, that you will take the hand out and the ball will not fall. It has to & will fall.

The tech stocks & the cryptos have taken a hit already. The coming lay-offs are going to be huge and unprecedented. Because the boom from last decade was unprecedented, the bust has to be proportionally bigger. The tech sector will be annihilated similar to the dotcom crash of 2000. What we have there is a massive bubble. The air has already come out of it. It's just a matter of time (weeks), reality catches up. The industry is just unsustainable in its current proportion. It needs to be lot leaner. Tech-oriented Nasdaq chart is below (see image). The circled portion is what was the 2000 dotcom crash. If that kind of fall from 5000 points to 700 caused so much pain, imagine the fall from 16300. You can see from the chart image - the slide has started and its just accelerating. Almost all tech stocks are down 30% or more this year, including the big names like FAANG (Netflix is down 70%, Amazon is down 35% from their highs from November). When valuations are hit this much, the tech employment has to take a hit too. Believe me - this is just getting started and it will get very worse very soon. 

The great financial crisis of 2008 was essentially a US housing problem. I am a living eye-witness to that mess and so are many who owned a house during the spectacular boom and the eventual bursting of home prices in late 2007 and into 2008. Prices of home crashed, in some cases more than 50% and every bank which loans money to home owners failed. The government had to rescue the entire housing market and ALL the banks. The entire episode can repeat again. I think it will repeat in a even more worse way for the following reasons: (unlike last time) People well remember fresh in their mind, the loss on investment on housing in 2008 did. Once they know, the house price is starting to fall, everyone might head to the exit exacerbating the problem further. More houses will be put for sale and no takers. The word of smoke can create a stampede at the doors. If you think the high prices of 2007 caused the housing collapse, its even higher now. The mortgage prices have gone from its low of sub-3% to close to 6% now. Even though the 6% is less than historical normal, with the prices at sky-high, its lot of expense for the new home owner. When people start losing jobs and cannot afford to pay the mortgage or have to relocate to take another job somewhere else - and want to sell their homes, it will cause a housing crisis of at least the same magnitude. If you are not convinced yet the housing crisis is on the horizon - look at the mortgage application data from last month. It was down 22% and this is a 22 year high. And then you realize that this period includes the housing bust of 2007. Let that sink in. 

Even though it will be unfortunate and painful for people to lose their jobs, in the long term - this is exactly what we want. Particularly in technology, people are over paid and a lot of jobs are not "impact full jobs". Scarce human resources are seriously miss-allocated. Instead of being fearful of the recession, we need to embrace it. The mal-investments of the last decade needs to fixed. The market has to do that. Failure to rectify this at this point, will make it far worse in the future causing even bigger pains.

Monday, April 18, 2022

It looks very scary!

Imagine being on an intercontinental jumbo flight, which is full with passengers, the pilot has just announced the power to all the engines are lost and they are about to crash land into an open space on the earth, nose down. What would be in the minds of the fellow passengers?

Anyone who is remotely aware of the US bond market carnage of last month can contemplate this same feeling about the fragile US economy that is about to crash land with assured causalities. It is almost certain there is going to be a crash landing. What is hoped for, there is a some kind of safe landing where only some get affected. It is almost impossible to save all of them or at least majority of them.

The bond market has been virulent in the last 4-8 weeks. Yields rising more than 100 bps within a month or so in both short and long-term bonds. There is literal blood-bath. The total return value on the bonds has not lost this much value within this kind of a short time span in recent memory. Jim Bianco says, this is the worst bond market blood bath in our lifetime so far.  Unfortunately there isn't a stop on the horizon. There is no bottom coming. As of this morning, the 30-year is knocking on the 3%, trading close to 2.96%. The 10-year, isn't far off at 2.86%.

The yields on the bonds move opposite to its price. With rising yields there are no enough takers. Peter Schiff says, It is right, the bond market is pricing in a recession ahead of us. The recent inversion of the yield curve rightly suggests that. What they are not realizing is how high the yields are going and how fast it's going to happen.

The carnage in the bond market is not being noticed by the stock market. If the yields on the bonds keep going this way for say another 3-months., the yield on the 30-year may well go past 5%. This obviously is a negative for the stock market because people would opt for risk-free returns than the risky bet on the stock market at current high valuations. The yields going further would cause a bond market crash. Once the yields go past these smaller numbers, existing bonds would lose a lot of value. With the Fed going from a net buyer to a net seller - There wouldn’t be any takers for the bonds. With planned deficit budget and trade deficit for the coming year, the government is only going to  borrow more.

The vanguard bond portfolio is down more than 8% similar to the stock portfolio YoY. If the so-called, bond safe haven can lose 8% within a quarter, just imagine how much the risky assets possibility of huge falls. The yield on the 30-yr is going to rise further and further. The only thing that can stop this is a stock market crash. If the stock market doesn't crash, the bond market definitely will and that will crash the stock market too. There isn't lot of good possibilities actually. The Fed has promised to raise interested rates by 50 bps, when they meet in first week of May. The Fed is very late already. The bond investors know it. What they don't know now but will eventually know later - is that the Fed will give-up on its inflation fighting goal to save the economy.

The inflation picture now in the US is abnormal to this generation of people. The American public has lived in a no to low inflation zone for the past 40 years. Paul Volcker raised interest rates to 20% to tame the high inflation of the late 70s and early 80s. Since then the bonds had been in a bull market. Alan Greenspan introduced the American public to low interest rate regime during his tenure at the Fed. The housing boom was caused by it. Once the interest rates started going up, the housing bubble burst causing the great financial crisis in 2008. As part of the recovery from the financial crisis, the economy was boosted with even more of lower interest rate regime and multiple quantitative easing (QE) also called stimulus - to create multiple bubbles under Ben Bernanke. Everything was OK until the US saw inflation creeping up. The inflation in Feb 2021 was a 2 handle. The YoY is now up to 8.5%. The rapid ascent in inflation is relatively unheard of in recent US history. It has brought jitters all over.

Import/export data came in last week. This is probably more accurate than the CPI because it is not manipulated by the method of measurement. It's just plain dollar amount of prices. They run more than 12% YoY. The retail sales up by 0.5% ., and just 0.2% excluding Food & Fuel - confirms the customer is thinning out and isn't spending as usual. The true inflation is really biting the American household.

Without a fundamental shift in asset prices, the economy cannot be resolved to its neutral value. For this to take place - interest rates need to go higher and got to go higher faster. In all of this., the Fed has just started. It is moving interest rates by 0.25 is too slow compared to the unfolding price increases across all products and services. Of all industries the tech seems will get hit first.

Tech-bubble has already been pricked. After the smaller tech being hit hard, now the darlings of the last decade are getting whacked. We have seen the big-tech (FAANG) now getting hit. Most of them are already in bear market territory or just be there soon. Other non-FAANG darlings like nvidia for example is down more than 35% from its recent highs. The Banks are getting killed too. They are all trading well below their recent highs, some to an extent of even down 40%. With mortgage rates now staying more than 5% - the bottom trend in housing is just round the corner, probably it's in the next slide.

We can say the one and the only thing - that is going the Fed's way is that the unemployment figures are lower at 3.6% and the job creation is OK every month. As the stock market and the bond market bleeds in blood., it is just a matter of time - the layoffs starts. Eventually this would happen. Markets keep going down and jobs being created every month don't go together. Also, the worker productivity has gone significantly lower since the pandemic after the "work from home" habit. With workers sitting in their living room couches, innovation (workplace creativity) is not triggered. Direct interactions with team members, discussions, working at arms-length create an innovative work culture.

The Fed will raise interest rates until something breaks. At this moment, it doesn't have any other option to save its face. It wants the market to correct significantly but at the same time doesn't want the economy to enter a new long painful recession that could run for years. If the stock or the bond market crash even before the anticipated rate hike - it would put Fed in a really bad spot. At one point or another - To make the market happy, the Fed has to backtrack and go back to accommodating monetary policy again. That may create all sort of new problems along with history!

Friday, January 14, 2022

Easy money Hard pains

 For the past 20 years or so, America has solved its economic problems by doing pretty much just one thing - printing new money (USD).


Alan Greenspan, after the burst of the dot com bubble reduced interest rates to 1%, left it there for longer and thereby causing the housing boom. Without the 1% cheap money from the FED, the housing prices wouldn't have risen. The housing boom burst in 2007 causing the financial crisis in 2008, and Ben Bernanke reduced interest rate to 0%. When growth didn't improve much until 2011 - he did multiple QE s and interest rate manipulations like operation twist. In simple English - America printed new money and funded the economy in the last 2 decades.


To climax that out, once the pandemic hit, printing new money was so rampant, the American tax payers just became irrelevant. The usual tax deadline of April 15 was postponed as it wasn't necessary. Some even suggested, we abolish the IRS and America can print its way out to any growth levels. Of course - it can't.


What was surprising during this time was - None of these new dollars caused inflation - officially. This is because of changes to the methodology of how the CPI was measured, lot of dollars ended up being outside the United States rather than within the country primarily because of import dependent economy.


With endless money printing, US seems to have reached the end of the rope now. Out of all the problems it can solve with money printing, one thing it cannot solve is to fix the problem of "domestic inflation".


Domestic inflation now in the US is 7% as per the CPI data released this week. The PPI inflation is more than 9%.


The Fed has come out with its reaction - they will trim the monthly Stimulus and stop it by March. Then they would raise interest rates through this year and next year. They say - we will be just under 2% Fed funds rate by end of 2023. The problem with this argument is - how come a 7% inflation problem be solved by 2% interest rate 2 years from now. It sounds really dumb. Cruelly no one is questioning that enough. Fed is clearly behind the curve here. They are trying to play catch-up. It looks too little, really late.


Any rolling back of easy money policy will cause economic crisis. It looks the tech-bubble and the crypto bubble have already been pricked as a result of the Fed's change of course. We need to see through 2022 to validate that.


If you took S&P 500 since the pandemic hit - it's up 30%. If you remove the momentum stocks FAANG out of that (meaning S&P 495) - The S&P is up 0%. That is the harsh reality of it. As stock market veteran says - The soldiers get killed first and then they come for the Generals.


One other clear sign of topping - Apple is a 3 trillion company in market cap. It is more than the Russel 2000 put together (all two thousand companies put together). India is a roughly 3 trillion economy. Apple, a mere cell phone/laptop making company replacing an economy of a billion people explains how big the bubble has got. So really looks the top this time.


The tech-savvy NASDAQ hit a correction territory already this week for a dead cat bounce. It will head down to it again soon. Of course, to go to the bear market, it needs to go to the correction territory first. Without an assurance of further easy money - I don't see how the already leveraged tech-industry can go higher still.


The crypto also seems to have topped. Bitcoin and Ethereum - top couples seems to be breaking down on critical levels. With the bond yields increasing - the backbone seem to be bending. What out for this one - the market seems to be crumbling down with no bottom in sight. The total recall (bond price + its remaining yields) crashed most last week, a level unseen in history.


Milton Freedman told inflation is completely and everywhere, a monetary phenomenon. Rising prices are consequences of monetary expansion.


What exposed the underlying sick US economy was the covid pandemic. With no savings in American families, the US government didn't have an option but to send people bank-checks, that they can cash in to survive the pandemic period. Without which people would have ended up in the streets without job prospects during a pandemic in play in the entire world.


If easy money pumped up asset prices, then by definition rolling them back would reduce asset prices.


The problem of inflation cannot be solved by any other means but by sucking out dollars in circulation. The trick would be to do that without causing a recession. Doing this is impossible taking into account the current outstanding debt.


Fast depleting worker productivity of the US worker is very concerning. No society can keep on consuming without producing the commodity. The labor productivity crashed, to a low of 60 years recently.


What is going to happen in 2022 is going to be interesting. This would be first year since the financial crisis - we have a really hawkish Fed with a job on its hand to solve the inflation mess. It's affecting all people and the ruling Democrats want to minimize the pain before the mid-term elections in November.


Doing the right thing now - is not monthly quarter percent hikes over the next couple of years. What is needed is interest rate going to a number more than the 7% inflation number, say 8%. On top of that, roll back all QE programs and Fed has to reduce its balance sheet meaning instead of being a net buyers of US Treasuries, they need to be net sellers. The sad fact is - none of this is possible without crashing the whole economy that would make 2008 great financial crisis look like a walk in the park. On the other side - what if inflation goes to 10% or 15% or 20% ? That would need a even more bitter medicine to a even sicker economy. The Fed has really trapped itself to a corner and it doesn’t have a painless option. More than anything else - the credibility of the Fed is challenged. They had to go back on the word "inflation is transitory". It was a big miss when you have 800 PHDs in your payroll. It was absolutely clear - inflation was persistent and nowhere transitory. To save a daily insult - the chairman had to go out of the way to "retire" the term transitory for everyone. Reminds us all about Ben Bernanke - who infamously told the US Congress, the subprime crisis was tiny and will not affect the housing prices - only to see the entire mortgage market was toxic to its core triggering a global financial crisis unseen in generations.


Overall 2022 will be the year of rampant inflation. The 7% is just the start. The FED has to raise interest rates very aggressively than they think. Every time this has happened - something broke causing a crisis. This time is no different.